MRT logoMaterial React Table

    Localization (i18n) Guide

    Material React Table has full support for localization (i18n). Some locales are included by default, but if your language is not yet supported, you can still easily add your own custom translations to the localization prop.

    Are you interested in contributing some official translations that can be included in MRT by default?

    Please contact us on GitHub or the Discord server to get in touch. We want to include dozens of languages and locales that can simply be imported from 'material-react-table/locales'!

    Relevant Props

    Prop Name
    Default Value
    More Info Links

    No Description Provided... Yet...

    Built-in Locales

    The following locales are included and can be imported from 'material-react-table/locales/':

    cs, en (default), es, pl, pt-BR

    If your language is not yet supported, please consider making a PR to add it to the library! See here on GitHub.

    Built-in Locale Examples

    Scroll and find your language below to see an example of how to use it.

    Custom Non-Built-In Translations

    If you want to use a language that is not included in the library, you can still easily add your own custom translations to the localization prop.

    actions: 'Ações',
    and: 'e',
    cancel: 'Cancelar',
    changeFilterMode: 'Alterar o modo de filtro',
    changeSearchMode: 'Alterar o modo de pesquisa',
    clearFilter: 'Limpar filtros',
    clearSearch: 'Limpar pesquisa',
    clearSort: 'Limpar classificações',
    clickToCopy: 'Clique para copiar',
    // ... and many more - see link below for full list of translation keys

    For a full list of all available translation keys, see the here

    If you end up fully translating MRT into another language that is not yet supported, please consider making a PR to add it to the library so that everyone can use it!